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High Speed Calculator

4.2 ( 352 ratings )
Utilitaires Productivité Musique
Développeur Gianbattista Bergonzi
1.99 USD

HS Calculator increases your typing speed, reduces the typing errors , allows to review the calculations’ list and share it by e-mail.

It is faster: the keys can be typed simultaneously (the standard calculator installed on your device can not do it. Try typing at the same time 1, 5 and 9 on your standard calculator, the result may be 0, 5 or 1 not 159)

It reduces typing errors: each key corresponds to a musical note (not only sight but also hearing helps to reduce errors) and is possible to review the calculations’ list.

To perform calculations with the highest accuracy and faster we need:
- to use all the fingers (in sequence and also at the same time)
- to stay focused on the outcome! Not on the calculator keypad
- instinctively remember the locations of the numbers and the operators (a musical note for each key can help)

Last but not least use HS Calculator. The pocket calculator specially designed for fast calculation.

After a few calculations, with the musical keypad, well forget to use a keypad and well do calculations at the same speed of a professional pianist (even though we do not know to play the piano).

When you tire of doing calculations, relax with your music keyboard.

The sound of math:
B, D, B, D
B, E, B, E
B, F#, B, F#
G, F#, G, E, D, D

if you have performed the song properly the result is 9766 !

Test your speed in a race with those using traditional calculators (or the pre-installed calculators of smartphones and tablets)
Good luck!

Tips & Tricks:

1. Always use the same finger for each key

Right hand:
index: [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 4 ] [ 7 ] [ C ]
middle: [ , ] [ 2 ] [ 5 ] [ 8 ] [-/+] [ × ] [ ÷ ]
ring: [ + ] [ - ] [ = ] [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 9 ] [ % ]

Left hand:
ring: [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 4 ] [ 7 ] [ C ]
middle: [ , ] [ 2 ] [ 5 ] [ 8 ] [-/+] [ × ] [ ÷ ]
index: [ + ] [ - ] [ = ] [ 3 ] [ 6 ] [ 9 ] [ % ]

2. Calculate the expression:
3 + (4 x 5) = 23
HS Calculator: 3 [ + ] 4 [ x ] 5 [ = ]

3. Another expression:
(3 + (4 x 5)) ÷ 23 = 1
HS Calculator: 3 [ + ] 3 [ × ] 3 [ ÷ ] 23 [ = ]

4. Percentage calculation (increasing):
1200 + (1200 x 50 ÷ 100) = 1800
HS Calculator: 1200 [ + ] [ = ] [ × ] 50 [ % ] [ = ]

5. Percentage calculation (discount):
1200 - (1200 x 50 ÷ 100) = 600
HS Calculator: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ - ] [ = ] [ × ] [ 5 ] [ 0 ] [ % ] [ = ]

6. A calculation more complex:
(2250 + (2250 x 4 ÷ 100)) + (2250 + (2250 x 4 ÷ 100)) x 22 ÷ 100 = 2854,80
HS Calculator: 2250 [ + ] [ = ] [ × ] 4 [ % ] [ + ] [ = ] [ × ] 22 [ % ] [ = ]